Creating your own career development plan
It’s not just those working for you who can benefit from having a clear guide to follow. It can be hard to know what targets to set yourself. What should you be looking to achieve, and how quickly?
It’s not just those working for you who can benefit from having a clear guide to follow. It can be hard to know what targets to set yourself. What should you be looking to achieve, and how quickly?
This shouldn’t be too dissimilar from how you work out the goals of those you manage. The difference here is that you’ll have less of a clear picture of what lies ahead. While with your team there’s a good chance you’ve already been in their shoes, the same is not true when setting individual targets. Everything will be new to you.
Top Resume offers a 10-step plan for setting up targets for yourself. Their advice includes:
While it might not be something which seems crucial, setting rough timeframes to hit goals by can be incredibly useful. These give you a set date to aim for. Without them, there’s always the risk your goals can be overlooked in favour of day-to-day tasks.
Effectively, setting a timed schedule allows your personal goals to become a priority, rather than an afterthought. Don’t know how best to schedule your time? Don’t worry, you can make the most of the advice that Scoro provide in their blog. They say:
Having a schedule in place can make a massive difference. It makes time management far simpler, and provides you with a means of implementing your targets throughout your working week.