Entries by Ruth Brooks

What are mobile networks?

What are mobile networks? A mobile network, also known as a cellular network, enables wireless communication between many end users, and across vast distances, by transmitting signals using radio waves.  Most portable communication devices – including mobile phone handsets, laptops, tablets, and so on – are equipped to connect to a mobile network and enable […]

The global crisis of public debt

With inflation reaching multi-decade highs, and growth forecasts slowing down, the global economy is on the brink of a debt crisis. Economists and financial experts are warning of a potentially prolonged period of ‘stagflation’ not seen since the 1970s, compounded by public spending and borrowing during the COVID-19 pandemic, energy crises, risk-averse investors, and ongoing […]

Management strategy: a roadmap for business growth and success

Whether formalised or not, most businesses have a mission statement that captures their passions, plans, objectives and unique selling points. What businesses may not have, however, is an appropriate, considered and strategic approach in order to achieve these high-level visions. Management strategy refers to the planned handling of a company’s resources in order to meet […]

Internet protocols: making the world wide web possible

E-commerce, streaming platforms, work, social media, communication – whatever we’re using the internet for, we’re using it on a widespread, wide-ranging and constant basis. DataReportal states that most of the connected post-pandemic world continues to grow faster than it did previously. Their Digital 2022 Global Overview Report, published in partnership with Hootsuite and We Are […]

What is the best way to manage across cultures?

Living and working in our interconnected, global age – where, for many businesses, employees may be spread across the world – requires leaders to be highly aware of, and skilled at, cross-cultural management. For those organisations without global teams, there is still the requirement to manage effectively across multicultural teams, where backgrounds, experiences, cultural values […]

The democratisation of public services: an explainer

The democratisation (or, ‘co-production’) of public services is the process of developing and delivering public services and policies in partnership with citizens. It is, effectively, a more democratic way of designing services within the public sector and civil service. Through co-production and participatory policy-making, citizens can help shape the services they use and that affect […]

Cybersecurity threats and how to avoid them

Issues of cybersecurity are issues for all of us, and exist at an individual, national and international level. Our interconnected, digital world relies on technological and computer infrastructure. Almost every element of our lives – including how we bank, travel, communicate, work, shop and socialise – intersects with information technology and digital operating systems in […]

Leading and managing organisational change

Supporting an organisation or business through change is a critical part of any leader’s job. Change is constant, and work environments continually evolve as new technologies are adopted, and old ways of working are replaced with the development of new knowledge and skills. Despite the constant presence of change, it remains a significant challenge for […]

National policy and its role in a greener, more sustainable future

Infrastructure shapes both the human and natural worlds. It’s the backbone and foundation on which communities and nations are built: the energy that powers our businesses, the clean water pumped into our homes, and the road and rail networks that allow us to travel with ease. Thoughtful, ethical and sustainable infrastructure has the ability to […]

What are the three categories of computer architecture?

Every computer, from the simple device to the most complex machine, operates according to its architecture. This architecture – the rules, methods, and procedures that tell the computer system what to do and how to work – can be broken into three main sub-categories. Instruction set architecture An instruction set architecture, or ISA, is a […]

What are the features of modern governance?

Modern governance is good governance achieved with modern tools. By utilising new technologies and methods, governing bodies can gain deeper insights and develop new processes that deliver better governance and better overall results for their organisations. Effective use of new technology Whether it’s through automating processes or utilising new systems and platforms, governing bodies that […]

Leadership vs. management: what’s the difference?

Managers are an important part of any organisation. They oversee the day-to-day activities of the business, make sure work is assigned and completed, and take care of administrative tasks, such as budgeting and scheduling, along the way. But what separates managers from leaders? The words might be used synonymously, but they’re not actually the same […]